the truth about artist-run blogs.

i get e-mails all of the time saying, "why don't you update your blog more often? why do you only seldom do things for your blog? you could be one of the top bloggers out there if you actually did something!" well, the truth is, i'm an artist first. if i spend all of my time blogging, i wouldn't be able to work on music. that's what's with the lack of posts since the new year started. i'm focused on making fresh cherries from yakima a big name this year. not exactly "big name" as in coldplay, but possibly "big name" as in 0kkervil river. or something. who knows? i'm just recording right now, trying to get the official fresh cherries from yakima website up, and of course, the pressures of having a day job, and your older sister/best friend as your roommate. posts will be infrequent, but classic, as they always are. expect an editorial on kanye west on tuesday. maybe.
my niece's 2nd birthday is on friday. show a proud uncle some love.
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